Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
Lesson plans :
Self reflection :
Journalist of the day :
Children feedback :

Jenna (B), Enisz (HU), Ieva ( LT) , Linde (B)


Journalist of 23 april 2013


The day started at 8.00 am. We had breakfast after that the group went to the conference room, Chantal gave us many information about the day and about Saint George’s day.



In the morning: lessons plan and activities for the  school

(Wednesday- Thursday)

We separated to little groups to prepare the exercises for the children for Wednesday. Later we collected the others from group (separated A,B,C) and we consulted and finished the lesson plans.





At 12:30 pm. we had lunch at Marti Codolar .

Afternoon : we went to visit to see San Jordi’s day in the city center:


The story of Sant Jordi is the same as the one that is known worldwide. Saint George was a hero - he saved a beautiful Princess who was about to come to a sticky end at the hands of a dragon who had been terrorising a village. The various versions of the story but these facts always remain the same. Sant Jordi is the Patron Saint of Catalunya and his tale is well-known throughout the city.

we were on the Rambla, there was crowd. The streets and squares of Barcelona are filled with stalls selling books and roses.  We had to show suppleness “to navigate” between booksellers and sellers of roses.

The party of Saint- Georges reminds in a kind of Valentine’s Day, with exchanges of roses and books. The men give women roses and the women give men books. And it can be anybody, not necessarily your partner or somebody who you have taken a liking to!  By walking and by listening  people, we knew that this festivity also celebrates the language and the Catalan traditions.

It is a picturesque sight in the Spring sunshine. Couples walk hand in hand clutching roses. The buses are jam packed with old Catalan people, tipsy from a day of strolling from bookshop to vermouth stop.





Then, we were in the beach, to take advantage of the sun and we want to see are people was enjoying celebration in all city . All people was happy, communicative and we feel that Saint Georges was in atmosphere.



We came back at 7:30 pm. had dinner.

To finish, we had a great prepared evening (Quizz) by Belgium   ( Flemish speaking community) . That was funny and we like that.