Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
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Journalist of the day. Monday 22-04-2013




Children in the Park Güell in Barcelona

On 23 in April in 2013 the groups went to Blanquerna University Ramon Llull in Barcelona to see the university and listening presentations.

One of the presentation was a project about the kindergartens in Barcelona in the Park Güell. This project was to go to the Park Güell and being in the nature, and observing and discovering with all the senses.

Park Güell is one of the most impressive public parks in the world. The park is located in Barcelona and was designed by famous architect Antonio Gaudi. (http://www.parkguell.org/) 2013.04.23.




In the project was 2 musicians, singers, balett dancer, the teacher whose prepear the project, and the children.

The four main points in the project was:





listening traditional catalan music



walk in the park


pictures with Gaudi works



listening the sound’s birds

painting dragons

use colorful mozaik

looking the trees


This project aim was being in the nature, discovering the surroundings and develop the child’s visiual, auditory, music memories.



After the lunch, we went to the conference room and we made groups.

We did some experimentations about the colours.

One group had to found naturals things like leaves, flowers and try to make paintings with.

For example, they did painting with flours and some water.

Another group had to observe something with specials glasses with coloured lenses.

 First we painted on the papers…


And one group had to experiment  blue, red and yellow paintings, the primary colours,  with different tools like sponges, toothpicks,…  on a sheet of paper, or put some ink on the absorbent paper.


But quickly, the sheet of paper wasn’t enough for some of us… so we decided to do body painting and let express our creativity.

Let’s see the result…                                                         



Then , all the groups had to present at the others what they had  discovered about the colours thanks to the experiences,  and the teacher told us some notions about the colours to end the workshop.

So, it was such a COLORFUL afternoon!



Every day is the same routine: song – story Dragon – song. Today it is Denmark who is responsible for the afternoon with the story dragon.

After singing the song, begins the play. In this case, our schoolmate make a representation of the story, very enjoyable and fun, makes us have a good time, after a hard day of activities.

Sometimes also use this time for doing a reflection of the activities that have been made during the day.



After supper, that was nudel soup and somekind of pork salat, it was Lithuanian night. The 3 girls startet out by giving us information about their country. And I think we were all surprised about Lithuania. Mostly because we didn’t know anything about it beforehand.

They also prepared a “fun-part”, which included different games. First we played the “riding the horse” game, were we all needed to be really fast. After this we were divided in 2 teams, and had to “tie a knot” with us all. The third game was “who am I”, where we were in groups of 6 and had to guess what the note in our forehead said we were.

It was all really fun, and when we were done we could try a piece of bread from Lithuania.  


Sarabel, Zofie, Melissa and Helene (dk)