Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
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Journalist of the day

2013 April 20th, Saturday

(Vania, Dovilė, Cristina)

Like in all other mornings after breakfast we have workshops, but these ones was completely different.


The first workshop starts at 9 o‘clock in the morning with teacher Celia Barroco. It was an activity about Drama. First part of it was to sit on the ground, close our eyes and listen the noises around us. After one clap of the teacher we have to imitate the sound we heard. There was a lot of the same noises. After that we have the second activity. The teacher split us in three groups. She told us to take a nice place of our choise. The task was to make a performance including some values in it. So the first group choose a basketball pitch for their performances. They choosed to do it like shadow theatre. So one person was like machine and others were the trees which were cutted by that machine. The second group choose the place in the middle of the garden near the palmtree. They was birds and one girl was a leader of them. So, they was singing, when suddenly they lose their voices, but when the leader shows that the sun cames they get back their voices. Third group choosed the plase near the stairs. They was acting statues in the museum. One of them was statues and the others was a visitors of museum. People was not respecting the statues, they act really bad. So after that statues started to move and all people was scared. The statues surround people and then humans became a statues. This workshop was really nice one, because everybody enjoyed doing this.


Second workshop started at 10 o‘clock with Delpine Brunelle. We have to wear black trousers and plain t-shirts. So she told us that we will be doing the play-mobile show. First she show us different movements of it: 1) walk fast and have right distance between each other; 2) to stick together like a big squad; 3) to walk really slowly; 4) to walk in one long line; 5) to lay on the ground with our arms and legs up; 6) get užas close as possible to each other and point in one person and shout ‚you‘ ; 7) make a statue of the dragon. After traininging we went to the city to do this performance. First we started at the square all people was staring at ys. So we did the same procedure with a serious faces quite long, but despite this it was a really great opportuninty to get over us and concentrate to our work. It was really fun workshop.


After this we have our FREE TIME.