Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
Lesson plans :
Self reflection :
Journalist of the day :
Children feedback :

Aneta Bulelyé – Viktorija Globyté – Vilkija Grigiené – Liucina Persukevic – Laura Semensauskaite


This day was important because we had intensive outdoor activities with children. While preparing everyone in their group could express their own thoughts, ideas, suggestions, share experiences.


At 9 o’clock preparations had started and every group had to choose 1-2 persons who went to check the spot chosen the day before in the park. The others had to go to the groups and take children to the spot. All activities took about 2 hours. During this time each group implemented their own activity plan.



After 2 hours we started our reflections. We had to find our strong and weak points, think about what we could improve in our activities. Some activities were successful and some were less successful. The main disturbing thing was that children were only speaking in French, so we had to use our body language to find a contact with them. That was unusual but we had a chance to find a different way of communicating. All in all the groups noticed that children were interested and had a great time.


After the dinner we took a common picture of all participants of the IP.


Next thing we had to do was to prepare a plan for tomorrow. We picked some games and activities which we would use.


In the evening the meal was prepared by group from the Spain. We ate delicious Spanish tortillas.


The animation was prepared by the Dutch speaking community of Belgium.
