Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
Lesson plans :
Self reflection :
Journalist of the day :
Children feedback :

William Berger – Maïlis Boxus – Joëlle Muteb Kanam


8.00 - Breakfast

Who prepared the breakfast?

  1. Luciana Persukevic
  2. Katrin Wochele
  3. Beatriz Fernandez

Thank you!


9.00 - Departure for school


9.30 - We picked up the children and went to the park

In the Park: The children visited the areas of the other groups and the children had the other groups experiment some of the activities they had done the day before. Group A1 visited group A2/ B1 group visited group B2/ group C1 visited group C2.

The children presented what they had created and the activities they wanted to share. They built something together.

10h50: We met together before the stairs of the castle. We made pictures and sang together an international song of “Good morning” in French, German and Spanish

Hey, hello, bonjour,

Guten Tag

Welcome (4X)

Buenos días (2X)


11h00: Feedback from the children.

In each class, they drew the activity they liked best; they dictated their emotions to the adult.


11h30: Final – Group activity

We played together (international students and children)

  1. On Wednesday evening we had voted for the activities to be done all together. And the winners were the activities which were proposed by the group C2 and group B1.
  2. They proposed : “tcha tcha kole” from C2, and a Danish game called “bro bro brille” from B1


12h00: We went back at “Haugimont Home”, and had lunch

Who prepared the lunch?

  1. Amélie Van Horenbeeck
  2. Victorija Globyé
  3. Ana Sofia Tomas Borges Bento

Thank you!


14h00: Meeting to explain the afternoon

We received the children’s drawings. We were so happy to have a feedback, and to see that they had enjoyed what we did together.

We took a lot of pictures of their drawings. It was so difficult to leave them this morning! They really cccuuuuttttteeee!!!

14h30: Work within the small groups

  1. Working on the toolbox,
  2. Organizing the toolbox
  3. Make our wishes in the box
  4. And have a feedback of our work with Chantal and the teachers staff



16h30: Personal reflection

We worked for our personal reflection. In the beginning of the two weeks we received a small booklet, in which we could collect things from the nature, drawing, ideas, … This will remain our personal possession.

3 dimensions: personal / intercultural / professional

What did we do?

What did we learn?

What did we feel?



20h00: Evening meal and animation prepared by Hungary:


Who prepared the meal?

  1. Bence Papp
  2. Vivien Apro
  3. Kinga Dopri
  4. Soetkin Maes
  5. Emile Pelousse
  6. Veronica Diez Berrendero
  7. Burcu Uraz

Who did the cleaning? : Sabine Tröger and Sabrina Keulemans

Thank you!



Paprikàs krumpli


What is it?

Potatoes, Sausage, Paprika, pepper

It’s was really delicious!! We were like in a restaurant!


Animation: we saw pictures from Hungary. It was like at the cinema.

And we had a party which was really crazy!