Early years : Discovering, learning and creating with all the senses
Lesson plans :
Self reflection :
Journalist of the day :
Children feedback :

Karen Lauwers – Sabine Tröger


We were thirsty for the big city and we needed to get up early. But the teachers had a nice surprise for us. There were some croissants. Yummie! They tasted very good. We had a special bus for us alone. We went to Namur and from Namur we went to Brussels. There 2 guides waited for us. When we arrived we started a game. Half of the group was blindfolded and the others were the guide. We were in the middle of one of the biggest market in Brussels (Marché du Midi). As you were blindfolded you needed to rely on your guide and your other senses. You heard people screaming, you smelled and tasted the food and you bumped into other people.

We went to ‘De Marollen’ and we were a bit sad that we hadn’t enough time for the market. Then that we went upstairs to the richer part of the city. We did a game: seeing through a milk package and we had a wonderful view on the city. Then in two groups we were circled by a rope and one teacher gave us indications to move on. We went along and we were like sardines in a box. The sardines were blindfolded and again they had to rely on the voice of their guide. The fish swam to a park, there the game ended.

A new game started. Everyone received a template of a shape and we had to find this in the park. This was the last game before lunch. Everybody was hungry and wanted a break. Some of us went for a pizza, but we chose to go to ‘Le Cirio’, that is where the famous Belgian singer Jaques Brel used to drink his beer.

After the delicious meals we gathered again and we started a new game. Take a picture with your blindfolded partner as camera ‘Clic-clac’. Only one more game, the last one: looking at a row of houses, and with a series of different candies, we had to connect one candy with the spirit of a house.

Finally we had some free time. We overwhelmed/attacked the chocolate stores buying a lot of chocolate. At 17.20 we came together at the train station and we went back to Namur. Luckily the bus was waiting for us. We ended the day with a ‘vol-au-vent’, which was very good and an evening prepared by Germany.